What kind of MBA alumni network are you building?

It has been said that the greatest benefit of (physically) attending prestigious institutions is not so much the quality of learning as the last impact of belonging to a close-knit and successful group of alumni. There is a fair amount of truth in this remark, although this situation was a lot more true in the […]
Logo and Brand Identity

LOGO CONCEPT The lines in the design are realized in a way that gives the impression of a clear upward direction. Thus, the design conveys a positive development from a solid base across several levels upwards In addition, the logo gives the impression of a network, of connecting elements. “The whole is greater than the […]
Are MBA too expensive interview (USA)?

An interview with Graduate Management Admission Council’s David Wilson ( Sourcing: poetsandquants.com ) David Wilson, president and CEO of the Graduate Management Admission Council (the organization that manages the GMAT test) is one of management education’s staunchest allies, but he cautions MBA hopefuls that the degree is a sobering investment that needs to be analyzed as rigorously as […]
Too many MBAs?

Sourcing: The Atlantic > Business > Archives (2013) We’ve all gotten used to talking about the problems with law schools and the thousands of underemployed, debt-addled JDs that they graduate. But perhaps it’s time to start taking a similarly critical look at business programs. As the Wall Street Journal illustrates in a piece today, it […]
Low tuition at Aspen MBA

Aspen (www.aspen.edu) offers a low tuition MBA, which was as low as USD 4,000 at one time, although the tuition as gone up in recent years. This is still a very affordable MBA. For more information on this MBA, please read up at: http://www.onlinedegreereviews.org/college/aspen-university-reviews/mba-1089/ Now, most students enrolled in a school are reluctant to say […]